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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

A neon green light titled "Delta" shines out the window of the Lawrence Tobacco and Vape Shop located at 8. W 9th St. The store is located a block away from downtown Lawrence, easily able to pick up foot traffic during the day.

"There are a lot in town but I know some smoke shops that won't ask for my ID from me or my friends when we go. I go to the ones that will get me what I want, plus most are cheap and easy," an anonymous senior said.

OPINION: Selling Addictions

Maria Mosconi and Phoebe Morris February 4, 2025

In the middle of Kansas, Lawrence is known for being an eclectic and open minded town, especially when it comes to smoking. Given this culture, it’s not surprising that during the 2003 school...

Revealing the scar left from the surgery to repair his aneurysm, junior Thor Lyche anticipates needing yearly brain scans for the rest of his life. "I still can't work out, but I'm getting off medication so I can focus on school," Lyche said.

Junior shares story of aneurysm, support

Maria Carrasco, Print Managing Editor March 11, 2015

It began with light headaches that became so severe junior Thor Lyche found it difficult to walk or stand. It finally became intolerable on Dec. 21, and Thor’s mother took him to get a CAT scan at Lawrence...

senior Sarah Lieberman

Seniors share plans for post-secondary pursuits

Kyra Haas, Elizabeth Patton and Sydney Gard, Editor in Chief, Reporter and Reporter March 9, 2015

With two tanks of fish, a crested gecko and a baby ball python to care for, senior Michael Quackenbush appreciates not only the University of Kansas’s top-ranked engineering program, but also its close...

Editor recounts bittersweet acquaintance

Editor recounts bittersweet acquaintance

Kyra Haas, Editor in Chief March 8, 2015

The young woman lays down a couple crumpled dollar bills and two quarters for her snow cone. It’s the first time she’s actually paid for anything here. A smile crosses her face. “I get to see my...

Members of LINK stand with incoming freshmen during their orientation. In the past, this would be the only time freshmen would meet with LINK, but now the groups meets throughout the school year. The Free Press staff agrees this new format be adjusted so that LINK can focus on the freshmen that are not adapting to high school as quick as their peers.

LINK Crew should revise format

Staff Editorial March 8, 2015

It’s 10 a.m. on a Thursday, and three-quarters of the school is killing time on their phones, while the other quarter is pretending NOT to be killing time on their phones. Until this year, LINK Crew...

50 Shades of Grey movie poster

Review: 50 Shades of Grey

Lauren Brittain, Reporter March 5, 2015

Beyonce’s remixed “Crazy in Love” plays in the background of the “50 Shades of Grey” trailer, infused with the same tension as a rubber band. I wish the actual “50 Shades of Grey” movie...

Ariana Grande

February concert schedule

Juliana Hill, Reporter February 12, 2015

Ariana Grande with Rixton Feb. 25 Independence Event Center Independence, MO Tickets start at $45 7:30 p.m. Ariana Grande, a pop singer of Nickelodeon fame, will begin her Honeymoon Tour in Independence,...

Review: 'The Wind Rises'

Review: ‘The Wind Rises’

Juliana Hill, Reporter February 12, 2015

When I was a child, I obsessed over every film Studio Ghibli released. I still have fond memories of watching them after school on a rainy days and less fond ones of having nightmares that my own parents...

Later School Start Times Prove Beneficial

Maria Carrasco, Managing Print Editor November 15, 2014

It’s midnight and I’m writing a Common App essay, reading Hamlet, taking AP Government notes and studying for an AP Statistics test while brewing another cup of coffee. Because school starts at...

Boys and Girls Club

amani safadi, managing editor March 5, 2012

It’s no secret that many students are involved in after school activities, but one outgoing senior has been involved in one particular club since she was in Kindergarten. “I’ve been a member of...

Same Club But a Different Name

amani safadi September 21, 2010

Can We Talk means more to its members than clubs usually do. It provides a venue for students to de-stress and discuss important issues. For many students this club might not sound familiar because last...

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