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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Senior Farewell--Teacher edition

Senior Farewell–Teacher edition

gavin spence, Reporter April 14, 2014

One teacher in particular that stands out as one of my favorites is none other than Scott Smith. From the beginning of my Free State career I remember him helping lead the Link crew games, in which two...

Do Teachers use Technology?

Evan Frook, Reporter February 17, 2014

Later this semester, teachers will receive some type of mobile device, be it laptop, tablet, or otherwise. Given that some teachers still struggle with using their SMART Boards, there’s some concern...

Horizon Award Presented to Rachel Downs

catherine prestoy, reporter September 19, 2013

After school on Tuesday, Sept. 3, Free State staff members sat at tables in the library, puzzled as to why a brief, general email from principal Ed West requested their attendance. Until the meeting...

New math teachers learn the ropes from Department Chairs Kathy Wagner and Laura O'Neil

Nineteen new teachers enter Free State’s doors

kyra haas, online co-editor-in-chief August 23, 2013

A geometry and consumer math teacher who student taught at Free State last semester and graduated from the University of Kansas in May. An associate choir director with a masters degree in choral conducting...

Laurie Folsom

Laurie Folsom

sarah whipple, design editor May 14, 2013

One of the first rules in journalism is to not just praise your friends, family and politicians. Instead, reporters are encouraged to share the stories of those unheard, hidden gems that provide a new...

Teachers unions wary of bills moving through state legislature

Teachers unions wary of bills moving through state legislature

katie guyot, co-editor-in-chief February 3, 2013

Bills forbidding paycheck deductions for union dues, limiting collective bargaining rights closing in on the law books When the Lawrence Education Association--the teachers union representing educators...

Technology Takeover

amani safadi October 15, 2010

When students dive onto the computer they usually know what they want to do. Usually it’s entertainment, but more and more teachers are starting to ask their students to sign on for school. Although...

All Things New

kim c September 1, 2010

The applause was deafening. The teachers were cheering. The students were moaning. School had arrived. After last year’s budget cuts and class cuts, some departments found themselves a...

Lost: Teachers

emma machell May 18, 2010

At the end of a school year more than just seniors will be leaving Free State. Teachers are leaving as well. Some are leaving due to district budget cuts, some are leaving because they have found new opportunities...

Students Become the Teachers

Students Become the Teachers

allison morte April 27, 2010

In a few short weeks the student teachers will be leaving classrooms for good; some students are looking forward to that day and will be grateful to have regular teachers back while others will dearly...

Wayward Students Dread Skyward

Bailey Schaumburg April 7, 2010

There was a time when I would sit anxiously in front of the window and wait for the mailman to deliver the most formidable of all adversaries: my report card.   My efforts to avoid its wrath were pointless...

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