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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Encore Profiles

kimberly messineo, reporter February 14, 2012

“I haven’t had any type of social life for about two weeks, and that’s not a joke,” junior Addison McCauley said. With Encore coming up in March, this singer has devoted himself to getting everything...

File Sharing Needs to Exist

File Sharing Needs to Exist

ryan loecker, co-editor in chief February 9, 2012

Let’s get this straight: this is not an article about SOPA. Within the past two months, three major file sharing websites (Megaupload, BTJunkie and FileSonic) either have been shut down or have ceased...

Tunes and Trends- Sam

sam boatright, reporter January 20, 2012

2011: Top 10 Albums: 1. Father, Son, Holy Ghost- Girls '60s rock'n'roll, San Franciscan style; earnest, melodic and beautiful. Girls brings the sun and the shade on their amazing second full-length...

Shadow for a Day: Hilary Morton

May 26, 2011

Like many Free State students, I’m quite involved in school activities. However, choir is not of them. This makes me a minority at this school. When I chose to shadow Hilary Morton, the choir director,...

Tuning In

Caitlin Laird Caitlin Lairds taste in music may not be the same as many teenagers. Her favorite music ranges anywhere from classic rock to popular music. Her favorite artist is John Denver and she got...

1 in 1,000: Kainen Spooner, dynamic drummer

ryan loecker December 4, 2009

While music plays an important role in most people's lives, not very many people are as involved as sophomore Kainen Spooner. After trying the viola, then the guitar, Spooner has finally found his fit...

School Musical

allison harwood November 4, 2009

Sing. Dance. Act. Repeat.   When someone takes part in a musical, they have to go above and beyond the call of a regular actor. Actors in musicals must sing, dance and act, and do it well.    "I'm...

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