Shaw Fills Athletic Director Position After Experience at Leavenworth High

Jake Hedges, Copy Editor

Filling the shoes of last year’s athletic director, while also taking on the role of assistant principal, Jered Shaw takes on the challenge of juggling both roles with excitement and ambition as a new year begins.

After a year of being the assistant principal at Leavenworth High School, he enters a new position in a new environment. 

Former athletic director, Dr. Amanda Faunce, has taken the role as associate principal this year, opening up the position of athletic director for Shaw.

From a background of being a history teacher and coaching track, cross country, football, baseball and golf, Shaw fits the role of the new athletic director perfectly. 

“I’m a little bit of a sports nut, so in general, I’m just looking forward to getting to enjoy the athletic environment,” Shaw said. 

One of Shaw’s biggest excitements stepping into this new position is the students. 

“I find students to be the most fascinating thing on the planet, because they’re interesting, they’re all different, they challenge you, they make you better,” Shaw said. 

Although the transition of handling two different administrative positions can be daunting, Shaw takes on the challenge.

“It hasn’t been as hectic as I envisioned, to be honest. There’s a lot of great people here,” Shaw said. “They all know how to run things, they know how to do their job very well.” 

While Shaw hopes to get to know all of the athletes, the amount is larger in comparison to his previous position at Leavenworth High.

“I wish I had the opportunity to meet everyone,  but obviously that’s not feasible for students or me, but please come up and introduce yourself, I’m really laid back,” Shaw said.