After the fall production of Bright Star, the theatre program presented Women of Lockerbie. This story followed the story of a lost mother trying to find her son’s remains in the hills after a crash, who then finds a group of women fighting the U.S. government to collect the clothes of the victims, wash them, then give them to the victims’ families.
“It’s very heavy. It’s heartbreaking,” senior main actor Liz Wyle said. “You see the characters care for each other and love each other and work hard to understand each other.”
Based around Pan Am Flight 103, a plane crash caused by terrorism, this show broadcasts the grieving process of a mother losing her son. The characters in the show try to convert the act of hate into the act of love and show a recurring idea, which is grief.
“It’s just people struggling, helping people [who are] struggling. It’s real, it’s honest and shows the many ways in which grief can affect people,” senior actor Cella Allison said.
Despite the delays of snow and the outbreak of COVID-19 in the cast and crew in January, stage manager freshman Harper Finck expresses the resilience of the members.
“The actors have been really good with all of the sickness the theater had after winter break and all of the snow days,” Finck said. “They’ve just made the show come to life.”
Allison’s character, Olive, experiences hate and loss, but never grieves from it. At the end of the show, Allison’s character said “All this time I’ve been trying to turn their hatred into love, but the hate I needed to turn, was my own,” which broadcasts needing to take care of yourself and not running away from your own tragedies, Allison explained. This upcoming show is recommended by the cast and crew.
“I would recommend the show to a lot of people but I would also give the warning that it’s a hard show to watch for some people. I definitely think that it’s worth your time,” Finck said.