Ready, Set, GLOW!

Emma Pravacek

Dancing to the Cha Cha Slide, students filled the gym for a thrilling bookend to Homecoming week.

Jori Rudisell, Reporter

Emma Pravecek
Senior Cameryn Thomas enjoys her last Homecoming dance. Thomas was crowned Homecoming Queen the night before.

Walking into the “Glow with the Flow” Homecoming dance was quite the scene. Neon shirts radiating, faces illuminated by fluorescent paint, and glow-in-the-dark sticks broken and splattered across the gym floor leaving a luminescent trail. StuCo members spent weeks in preparation for the memorable night.  

“We tried to make a theme that everybody would enjoy,” senior StuCo member Maggie Ziegler said. “We wanted to put together a playlist that covered a lot of different peoples interests.”

Junior StuCo member Seth Williams agreed with Ziegler that the dance had a great turnout. While Ziegler enjoys the underclassmen presence, junior Hannah Schenkel wishes more upperclassmen would come to the dance to help balance out who is there. Describing herself as an extrovert, Schenkel loved getting involved and dancing with her friends.

“I expected the dance to be a lot less fun than it actually was,”   Schenkel said. “I really liked the theme this year.”

Emma Pravacek
Senior Samantha Powell came to the dance with a group of friends, all in glow-in-the-dark face paint.

According to junior Haley Rasmussen, the best part of the night was when everyone came together as the Firebird family.

“It made me feel so happy that we can all come together,” Rasmussen said, ”even if it’s just for a song.”