Free State names Myron Graber new head principal
New head principal Myron Graber meets art teacher Ms. Downs.
Superintendent Dr. Rick Doll’s criteria for Free State’s new head principal was simple: a strong leader who isn’t afraid to point out flaws in the school.
“[We were looking for someone to] continue the rich tradition of success at Free State, but also to look for changes that could be made to make Free State even better: an instructional leader to coach teachers to become even better,” Doll said.
Once Doll and the three assistant superintendents at USD 497 pre-screened applicants, the best applicants were sent to a committee of teachers and building administrators for interviews.
The school administration felt current Jefferson City district academy coordinator Myron Graber best fit the specifications.
“He is recognized both in Kansas and in Missouri as a strong instructional leader,” Doll said. “He has background as principal in many high schools, including most recently Jefferson City, Mo., but also Salina, Kan. [and] Abilene, Kan.”
With all the praise Graber has received from the school district, he remains humble and is focused on being the best principal he can be in the coming school year.
“My hopes are … that every student that comes through Free State feels like they had a great education, they have an opportunity to be successful when they leave there and that every student has had an adult advocate while they’ve been in that school,” Graber said.
Graber plans on the 2015-2016 school year being a learning experience. He hopes to make as few changes as possible so he can better understand Free State’s environment and traditions.
“I really haven’t thought of any changes … ,” Graber said. “I think the first year is a time for learning, is a time for people to get to know me, to find out what my belief systems are, where my values are and I need to find that out about Free State.”
Although Graber hasn’t planned any changes he hopes to enhance Free State with his leadership ability.
“I would say it’s more a servant leadership style because I do believe that I am there to serve the needs of students and teachers,” Graber said.
Previously an athletic director, Graber has always had an interest in athletics and extracurricular activities and plans on being a part of them at Free State.
“I enjoy going to activities and events and seeing students interact in different ways other than in the classroom,” Graber said. “I think that’s important to the growth of an individual because you learn how to work in a team.”
Graber has visited Free State only once, but received such a good first impression that he has nothing but positive things to say.
“I was very impressed: everyone was polite,” Graber said. “I was there at lunch time, I was very impressed with politeness and how students were interacting with each other.”