India Taylor

Known for her love of tickling people and her overwhelmingly positive attitude, junior India Taylor has spent her days at Free State trying to bring out  the best in people by being the best she can be.


“I love tickling people,” Taylor said. “I just like seeing people smile. Even people who aren’t ticklish. I try to find a way to make them uncomfortable and laugh because that’s just the type of person I am … Making people happy is one of those things that brings joy to my day.”


Taylor has immersed herself in numerous activities within Free State. She is a member of the improv team, Thespian Club and the Junior/Senior Women’s Choir. She will be a member of colorguard next year and also hopes to be elected as StuCo treasurer.


Taylor became involved with these organizations in order to get to know more people. She joined colorguard because she wanted to become closer with the girls on the team and surround herself with individuals who share her bubbly attitude.


“I wanted to get to know more people,” Taylor said, “…I see people twirling flags all the time, and I’m like ‘I want to twirl flags!’”


Spirit Week is Taylor’s favorite time to show her school spirit and get other people involved and smiling. On Fashion Disaster Day, Taylor strutted through the halls with an ugly shirt, mismatched shoes and silk pants acquired from a thrift shop. Her little sister’s crazy wig added the finishing touch to the costume.


Taylor’s favorite Spirit Days are the outrageous ones where she can don whatever unique apparel she desires.


“Barbie day was one of those days I could wear make up and not feel ashamed,” Taylor said. “Like a lot of make up.  I’m talking icing cake make up.”


Taylor may appear to be all smiles and lighthearted teasing, but behind her carefree attitude is a hardworking young woman with big dreams. Her long term goal is to become an opera singer; her short term goal is to make Chamber Choir next year.


“I’m trying to get into Chamber Choir,” Taylor said.  “That’s one of my goals. I practice about three hours a day.  Sometimes [I practice] five [hours] when I get home, and I have no idea that I’ve practiced for that long.”


Choir teacher Hilary Morton is Taylor’s favorite teacher, and she aids Taylor in reaching her goals.


“She’s just really supportive,” Taylor said, “and she never says anything that will offend you that doesn’t help you.”

Taylor’s approach to life is rooted in looking at the bright side of everything, regardless of hurdles that stand in her way.


“Stay positive,” she said. “Be positive about life. Don’t be a little downer. No one likes a Debbie downer.  They like Debbie snack cakes, but they don’t like Debbie downers.”