Free Press Seniors Bid High School a Fond Farewell
I have been dreading this article since I joined staff in the fall. Mostly, because I had no idea how to sum up my years at Free State. These types of articles are supposed to be epic, right? People would weep (ha ha), it would be incredibly touching. But sitting on my couch, computer in my lap, I stared at a blank screen for god knows how long.
All I could think of writing was empty clichés, graduation speech blabber about going into the future and how I would miss walking the halls of Free State. But after really thinking about it, I decided I’m ready.
I feel ready to leave. Walking the halls the last few weeks I feel like a visitor – a stranger, even – in a place I have spent a good portion of the last three years of my life in. I’m ready to go on with my life, taking with me all the things I learned in this place from classmates and teachers alike.
I’m so happy to have braved the education system, but at the same time I can’t believe it’s over. May has always seemed like it would never come, and now it’s come too fast. But that seems like it’s always the way it happens. It hurts to be torn apart from all the people I’ve become so attached to, that I probably will never see again. I had a dream the other day about graduating, but it was more like a nightmare. And I know that when I’m sitting in the stands waiting to walk across the stage I’ll probably cry. A lot. But I feel like I finished high school accomplishing exactly what I was here to do, and more.
I’ve seen and learned things I’ve thought I never would and never wanted to. I’ve seen diverse views and opinions and shaped my own. I see things outside of class and think, ‘hey I will use this somewhere besides a high school classroom!’
If anything I want to thank everyone who ever spent the time to really teach me. Not just a straight, text book “read page 131,” but also taught me about life. No matter their political views or their age or their upbringing, I came away with something from each of you and feel grateful, respecting that you gave your time to teach me. Honestly I feel like the same goofy kindergartener I was twelve years ago, entering a new stage of life without any ideas about the future. Except now the rules have changed.
My Power Rangers have been exchanged with cell phones and an iPod, my two-wheeler for four tires and a motor. My lemonade stands have been bulldozed down to make way for a part-time job. But thanks to my friends, family and teachers I feel more than adequately prepared. And even though I’m scared out of my mind, all those people that have touched my life have given me the confidence in myself to start making a life of my own.