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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2023-2024

Tropical Smoothie Cafe and Smoothie King are both popular chain smoothie restaurants across the nation. Although both have an assortment of smoothie options, Tropical Smoothie Cafe is the only of the two to sell a variety of food.

REVIEW: Battle of the Blenders

Maura Langland October 25, 2023

If you’re yearning for a smoothie in Lawrence, chances are you go to either Smoothie King or Tropical Smoothie Cafe. The stores are on opposite sides of town, with Smoothie King being across the street...

Choices of studying tools vary for different students. Some prefer online practice tests while others may opt to buy ACT practice books.

FEATURE: To Submit or Not to Submit?

Stella Mosier, News Copy Editor October 25, 2023

The fall semester brings upon many important things for high school seniors, one of which being college applications. For those who intend to pursue a higher education in the form of college, deciding...

After being head coach of the Free State boys basketball team last year, KU Alum, Sherron Collins resigned and former Hayden high boys basketball head coach, Dwayne Paul took the position.

SPORTS: New Basketball Coach Dwayne Paul

Mason Lester, Reporter October 25, 2023

After last year's season did not end the way they wanted it to, the Boys Basketball team is looking to come back better than last year and make many changes. Coming with some of these changes is a new...

REVIEW: For All the Dogs

REVIEW: For All the Dogs

Nick Sprecker, Sports Editor October 25, 2023

Favorite Song(s): Daylight, First Person Shooter, What Would Pluto Do At 36, Drake has risen to become one of the world’s most popular artists and has influenced culture in both the streets and in...

To commemorate the final day of Fat Bear Week, biology teacher Sara Abeita presents the bears in the championship matchup. After learning about the factors that cause brown bears to gain weight, her students each voted for their favorite bear. “It’s a cool way to connect with wildlife that’s not here in Kansas,” Abeita said.

FEATURE: Katmai National Park’s 2023 Fat Bear Week

Jayne Landers, News Managing Editor October 24, 2023

Alaska’s Katmai National Park has hosted an annual competition on their brown bear population's “fatness” since 2014. Katmai’s Fat Bear Week is not a scientific tournament -winners are decided...

PHOTO GALLERY: Boys Soccer Senior Night

PHOTO GALLERY: Boys Soccer Senior Night

Mallory Thompson, News Photo Editor October 18, 2023

Standing in the rain, Band Director Eric Bradshaw watches the marching band show during halftime. New to the district, Bradshaw set a lot of goals for the program. "Getting the performance at the first home game with everything being so new," Bradshaw said. "That was a big goal for the program."

FEATURE: School Hires New Band Director

Eli Roust, Photographer October 17, 2023

After former band director Randall Fillmore announced his retirement last year, Eric Bradshaw was hired to take over the program. Since starting Free State, he has added newer music and marching patterns...

Junior James Spear dribbles the ball through Lawrence High players. The junior, who is playing his first year on varsity, acts as a defender.

SPORTS: Boys Soccer Program Sweeps Lawrence High

Elizabeth Hare, Assistant Social Media Editor October 16, 2023

Following a win for the varsity boys soccer team last year against Lawrence High School, this year's schedule declared that Oct 12, the Firebirds would be facing off against the Chesty Lions in the annual...

The closet of junior Kinsey Lake reflects her unique sense of style and her flair for all things fashionable. Having a variety of colors, shoes and accessories allows for the perfect outlet to express her personality.

OPINION: Hue Are You?

Nomso Enyinnaya, Reporter October 16, 2023

When getting ready for the day, it’s often hard to pick out your “perfect outfit” with the constant struggle of finding what clothes flatter your body type, what colors compliment your skin and how...

REVIEW: Futurama Reboot

REVIEW: Futurama Reboot

Greyson Heiman, Yearbook Copy Editor October 15, 2023

It’s been a long 10 years for fans of Matt Groening’s hit adult cartoon series, Futurama. After years of protesting from fans, Hulu took notice and ordered a new 20 episode season, picking up where...

Senior Hank Fuchs hugs junior Bralin Preston after Preston scores a touchdown at the City Showdown on Oct 13.

SPORTS: Football falls to Lawrence High

Chloe Cook, Photo Editor October 14, 2023

Last night, the Lawrence High Lions defeated the Free State Firebirds in overtime, 31-24. Chances were looking in favor for the Firebirds as they held a perfect season record of 6-0 coming into the game.  Every...

Two hands exchange money, signifying the Writers Guild of America and their strike for increased pay and improved working conditions.

FEATURE: The End of the Hollywood Writers Strike

Claire Heinritz, Reporter October 12, 2023

The almost 150 day long writers strike is coming to an end after the settlement agreement on Wednesday, Sept. 27.  The Writers Guild of America [WGA] boundary was seen outside of Paramount, CBS, Netflix...

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