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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2022-2023

The halls are often full of students who use the hallway as a way to avoid class. Students do use these flex spaces for educational purposes these spaces are also a prime spot to hangout when avoiding class.

NEWS: Attendance Issues Plague School

Alicia Narum December 12, 2022

While many students realize that skipping class isn’t always in their best interest, a poll from @fsjournalism’s Instagram s tory displayed 61% of 492 students have skipped. Skipping school can...

Senior Gracia Greenhoot poses on stage as she preforms for the Lawrence Arts Center. Photo submitted by Gracia Greenhoot.

FEATURE: Student Dancers Keep The Balance

Maura Langland December 11, 2022

Gracia Greenhoot  Students after school activities can add stress to their academic and personal schedules. For senior Gracia Greenhoot, dance takes up the majority of her time.  Greenhoot does...

Head buried in their hands, junior Brynn Cordova stresses over assignments. With finals fast approaching, Cordova has begun to set aside time to study. “My hardest final is math, but I’m very confident I will pass it because of the hours I will dedicate to studying,” Cordova said.

FEATURE: Seasonal Depression Affects Students

Tommy Taylor December 9, 2022

 As the days get shorter, the number of students suffering from seasonal depression increases. Unlike other forms of depression, seasonal depression only occurs for a limited amount of time each year,...

Junior Felipe Reinas-Salas sostiene un cartel que promueve la ‘Latin American Student Association’.  El club se reúne los miércoles en la sala 411.

‘Latin American Student Association’ Crea Comunidad y Rompe Barreras

Alicia Narum December 9, 2022

Después de mudarse a los Estados Unidos desde Colombia hace más de un año, la madre del junior Felipe Reina-Salas lo había estado animando a formar un club de Español, que de tal manera le permitiría...

Photo submitted by Ava Gray.

FEATURE: Students Pursue a Career in Modeling

Stella Mosier December 9, 2022

Modeling is a way for some students to find inner confidence and help local artists create beautiful work. Multiple students are on the road to successful modeling careers. Junior Ava Gray began modeling...

Junior Felipe Reinas-Salas sostiene un cartel que promueve la ‘Latin American Student Association’.  El club se reúne los miércoles en la sala 411.

Latin American FEATURE: Student Association Creates Community and Breaks Barriers

Alicia Narum December 8, 2022

After moving to the United States from Columbia over a year ago, junior Felipe Reina-Salas’ mother had been encouraging him to start a Spanish club, hoping it would allow him to connect with other Spanish...

Junior Greyson Heiman, watches a world cup game during class. On Tuesday Nov. 29, the United States played Iran during school.

FEATURE: World Cup Winter 2022

Greyson Heiman December 3, 2022

Due to the overwhelming heat in Qatar this summer, this year the Federation of International Football Association [FIFA] World Cup will is taking place in Nov. and Dec. opposed to June when the competition...

A couple of the The Honor Moon members meet up to discuss how to bring in more donations to help out other students who may be in need of period products.

FEATURE: Honor Moon: How Far They Have Come

Elizabeth Hare November 29, 2022

If you are a woman or someone who menstruates, chances are you have heard of Honor Moon, a non-profit organization that stocks pantries across the community with menstrual products. What makes Honor Moon...

Working on AP Calculus BC homework, sophomore Anwen Williams refers back to the previous lesson. Among other classes she took, Williams said that calculus was one of her classes she was most stressed about. “In calculus class,[test grades] are weighted as 10% of your grade, so it can increase or decrease your grade by about anywhere from two to five points,” Williams said.

FEATURE: Midterms Stress

Tommy Taylor November 26, 2022

Semester finals are fast approaching and the end of year finals won’t be far behind. The average student will take 3-4 finals in the first semester and 6-8 in the second semester finals can account...

REVIEW: The Loneliest Time

REVIEW: The Loneliest Time

Mallory Thompson November 13, 2022

Carly Rae Jepsen’s “The Loneliest Time'' consists of 13 undeniably refined tracks inspired by 80s and 90s dance floor sounds. While a large change from Jepsen’s first five albums, this record...

Donuts and menu rest on table at Taylor’s Donuts new location.

REVIEW: Taylor’s Donut

Evan White November 11, 2022

Who doesn’t love a fresh donut in the morning? Here is a review conducted by FSJournalism staffers of the newest donut shop in Lawrence. Taylor’s Donuts at 1827 Louisiana Street is located across...

ALBUM REVIEW: You Signed Up For This

ALBUM REVIEW: You Signed Up For This

Mallory Thompson November 10, 2022

“I’m twenty and probably upset right now,” Maisie Peters sings to open her debut album “You Signed Up For This” released last year in August. This is the kind of tongue-in-cheek, silly and odd...

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