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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2021-2022

INTERVIEW: Attendance Answers

Allison Mayhew, Evan White, and Maddie Base February 7, 2022

INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT First, how does truancy work and how is it handled? The truancy is based on a certain number of absences that you have consecutive absences that you have in a row. And...

INFOGRAPHIC: School Closure Proposals

Ella Marshall, Design Editor February 3, 2022

On January 12, 2022 Executive Director of Communications, Julie Boyle sent out an email addressing possible ways the district can save money. There were four proposals suggesting schools to shutdown. Here...

Record Breaking

Nate Ankenbauer, Reporter December 19, 2021

With the conclusion of the football season, released their annual offensive and defensive player of the year awards, along with the All-State teams. Starting QB/DB Jet Dineen got defensive...

Photo by Baya Burgess

Balancing the Budget

Natasha Torkzaban, Isis Norris, and Cici Hunter December 13, 2021

Following a week of sound and fury over an announcement to cut the gymnastics program, no one has signed up to address the USD 497 Board of Education at their meeting tonight according to executive...

NEWS BRIEF: Possible Gymnastics Program Cut

Jake Hedges and Isis Norris December 7, 2021

The FireLions gymnastics team is in danger of being shut down, according to executive director of communications Julie Boyle. The proposal is in part to make up for the district’s $2 million budget...

Photo by Maya Pavlyak

Brief: Race to the Finish

Olivia Roderick, Reporter November 20, 2021

Led by seniors Allison Babbit and Ben Shryock with the highest scoring runs, cross country went to state. This season is the 18th time that boys have qualified and 19th for girls. Girls came in an...

Photo by Baya Burgess

Brief: Setting up for Success

Jake Hedges, Reporter November 18, 2021

This year, after winning their sub-state title, varsity volleyball fought their way to make an appearance at the state championship. This being volleyball's third year in a row going to state, the...

NEWS BRIEF: Board Extends Fall Break

Natasha Torkzaban, Cici Hunter, and Isis Norris November 12, 2021

School is cancelled Nov. 22 and 23. The USD 497 Board of Education voted 5-2 to extend Fall break at an emergency meeting held today.    Students and staff now have a full week off from...

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