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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2016-2017

Finnelly keeps an eye on the @LawrenceKS_PD twitter feed while working. The account had over 35,000 followers.

Drew Finnelly: the man behind @LawrenceKS_PD

Jackson Barton, Editor in Chief July 29, 2017

Just because Lawrence Police Department’s Drew Finnelly holds the title “Public Relations Officer” does not discredit the fact that he’s a cop. He spent the first five years of his career on patrol,...

Pie perspective

Pie perspective

Jackson Barton, Editor in Chief June 14, 2017

The carolina blue doorway of Ladybird Diner lolls open on a relatively sleepy Tuesday afternoon. Kianti Vann, going about her third week as a waitress for the restaurant, collects the peculiar salt and...

Ladybird's industrial mixer is important in maintaining a constant output of pie dough. "Building the bakery was key to a more seamless operation," Heriford said.

The bakery

Jackson Barton, Editor in Chief June 14, 2017

Being a popular spot for students, families and older folks equally, Ladybird Diner can be a chaotic location on the weekends. But amidst the chaos upstairs, downstairs in the cozy confines of stone and...

A chocolate cream pie in the display case cooler. Because of their staggered production scheduled, this pie took four days to complete.

The pie

Jackson Barton, Editor in Chief June 14, 2017

When Ladybird Diner first opened in summer of 2014, Heriford had modest expectations for the popularity of her homemade pie. “I thought ‘Okay we’re gonna make eight pies a day.’ And I thought...

A blackberry pie sits on the counter. All fruit fillings were made in house at Ladybird.

The philosophy

Jackson Barton, Editor in Chief June 14, 2017

Heriford does not just want her homemade food to be good, she wants her customers to be reminded of a time when someone took the time to make meals for them from scratch. She feels that the extra time...

Stuart Strecker receives the $10,000 check from Lawrence Schools Foundation board of director's president Scott Morgan. This year is the Bobs Award twentieth anniversary.

Spanish teacher selected for Bobs Award by Lawrence Schools Foundation

Maddy Johnson and Jackson Barton May 16, 2017

Spanish teacher Stuart Strecker was announced as the recipient of the 2017 Bobs Award on the morning of May 17 in front of a crowded gymnasium. The award is given every year by the Lawrence Schools Foundation...

Superintendent Kyle Hayden announced that he would be resigning from the position in a district wide email on Friday. The resignation comes one year shorter than his contract.

Superintendent to transfer to chief operations officer

Chris Pendry and Jackson Barton May 12, 2017

Superintendent Kyle Hayden will transfer to become chief operations officer effective July 1 after one year as superintendent. “I feel fortunate to have been able to contribute to significant facility...

Shoveling mulch, junior Piper Rogers fills up wheel barrells to be carried to flower beds. Around 100 juniors volunteered for Great Green Help. “My favorite part was seeing all of the smiles and hard work that people put in despite the rain,” Rogers said.

Great Green Help builds awareness of community

Sam Mohanty, Reporter May 12, 2017

Walking out of the school, junior Cameron Hodge expected to learn something new during the day. Hodge and 90 other juniors went out to nine different locations to extend a helping hand to the communities...

Junior Adam Ziegler and anthropologist Donald Blakeslee are recognized in front of the Kansas House of Representatives. The site near Arkansas City was recently recognized by the state.

Student’s discovery leads to location of second largest Native American city

Jackson Barton, Editor in Chief May 7, 2017

“I never thought I would make archeological discoveries,” junior Adam Ziegler said. “Especially not when I was 15.” What Ziegler uncovered in April 2015 was the first evidence of the location...

Girls Soccer

May 5, 2017


May 5, 2017


May 5, 2017

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