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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2015-2016

In promotion of LGBT+, students come together and support the community by holding hands in front of the rainbow flag. There have been many great strides for the community so far in 2015: the legalization of gay marriage, having both names of a same sex couple written on children's birth certificates, support through social districts, pride parades, awareness days, books being published and much more.

LGBT+ students discuss what it means to be different

Lauren Brittain, Mariah Houston, and Trenna Soderling October 29, 2015

Source: International Spectrum presented by University of Michigan Most people wouldn’t picture “The Goonies” when they consider sexuality and identity. However, for senior Ellie Houston, sweaty...

Lane Weis, a transgender junior at Free State, transitioned his freshman year of high school. Although it was difficult for Weis at first, he now is more confident with expressing his identity.

Transgender staffer recounts his experiences during transition

Lane Weis, Designer October 29, 2015

If you’ve ever talked to me, you probably know I’m transgender. I mention it all the time and unlike the past few years, I’ve stopped trying to keep it a secret. I no longer feel like my identity...

The bottled water vs. tap water taste test

October 28, 2015

Students test their ability to determine whether the water they are drinking is bottled or tap.

Boys Soccer

October 28, 2015

Looking across at her opponent, senior Dalma Olvera gets ready to serve at Free State's dual meet against Mill Valley on September 17. Olvera plays soccer, a cut sport, and tennis, a non cut sport.

Tennis and soccer coaches analyze pros and cons of selective teams

Maya Hodison, Reporter October 28, 2015

When sophomore Ashton Rantilla tried out for soccer this year, he hoped to make a team. When he did not, however, he chose a different sport: ultimate frisbee. “I do want to practice more and try...

Editors Sydney Gard and Trenna Soderling are supportive of the Supreme Court decision on marriage equality.

Co-Editors in chief reflect on recent marriage equality decision

Sydney Gard and Trenna Soderling October 27, 2015

Sydney Gard Several hours before the Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage across America was announced, I tossed and turned. I laid awake in bed and stared at the ceiling. I read a book and...

When her Rocky Mountain adventure went wrong, Everett and her son's girlfriend found themselves lost in the wilderness for two nights. Soon after, a helicopter came to their rescue, "It was something I'll not soon forget," Everett said.

Helicopter rescues librarian after two nights in Colorado mountains

Elizabeth Patton, Social Media Editor October 25, 2015

Most trips to the bathroom don’t end with a rescue helicopter ride out of the Rocky Mountains. For librarian Chris Everett, however, that was the case. On her annual Rocky Mountain hiking trip with family...


October 24, 2015

During fourth hour, Williams explains a concept to Spanish 3 student, sophomore Kaya Shafter. Williams has created a new homework system for her classes, focusing on student activities rather than bookwork.

Spanish three classes take new approach on foreign language education

Reagan Sullivan, Reporter October 24, 2015

Sophomore Jackson Mason goes home after a long day of school. He looks at his Spanish homework to see what activity he should do for this week. After deciding to listen to a Latin radio station on Pandora...

Boys Soccer

October 23, 2015


October 23, 2015


Boys Soccer

October 23, 2015

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