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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2015-2016

A Lawrence Police Department vehicle parked near the scene of the incident. Students were alarmed by the sudden presence of emergency services during their lunch period.

Student injured after dangerous jump into nearby pond

Darby Gilliland and Mariah Houston May 19, 2016

The sirens from nearby police cars, ambulances and fire trucks startled the students and faculty on May 9, 2016. A sophomore had dove head-first into the shallow pond on private property near Free State....

Walking into school, students and staff of FSHS observed the vegan propaganda written in sidewalk chalk. This was written by a group of vegan activists in the building. As well as the sidewalk chalk, they put up various flyers with facts about veganism and animal rights around the building.

Student raises awareness of the environmental effects of a meat-heavy diet

May 7, 2016

Early one morning, senior Samantha Farb raced to school with a box of chalk and butterflies in her stomach, but she ignored her nerves and began working. Farb covered the pavement around the gym entrance...

Possible Repurposing of Black Box

Possible Repurposing of Black Box

Jackson Barton, Online Editor-in-Chief May 6, 2016

During a faculty meeting on April 7, the administration announced plans to repurpose the Black Box into a flexible space during school hours. Currently, the Black Box serves as theater classroom and English...

With a budget reaching $410 million, Batman Vs. Superman reached around $860 million in the box office,  a sizable flop  when reaching for a $1 billion  box office hit.

Review: “Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice”

Evan Frook, Reporter May 5, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice suffers from an excess of ideas and lack of organization. It had it’s high points, but was irresponsible with management. The movie commits too much time preparing...

A battery-powered bot assembled by Robotics Team. The team scored second in the regional tournament.

Robotics Team Exceeds Expectations

Maame Britwum, Online Editor April 28, 2016
The Free State Robotics Team persevered through a tough start and placed second at the regional tournament
Coach Duncan calls a timeout during an away game. This is Duncan's last year of coaching for the girls basketball team.

Bryan Duncan Resigns as Girls Basketball Coach

Evan Frook, Reporter April 26, 2016

Looking to the 14 team photographs on his wall before answering the question, former girl’s basketball coach Bryan Duncan thinks of the 14 teams he coached through every win and loss. “We’ve had...


April 14, 2016


April 8, 2016


April 8, 2016

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