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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2014-2015

At the beginning of the semester, the administration divided two freshman English classes into three single-gender classes. In January, the ACLU questioned the change, and the classes were promptly rearranged to be coeducational. "It [was] kind of different, I know that, but it [was] fun because it [was] with my friends and everything," freshman Tannner Cobb said.

Single-gender English 9 classes result in ACLU intervention

Kyra Haas and Maddie Birchfield February 7, 2015

When freshman Aidan Dietz entered their seventh hour English 9 classroom on the first day of second semester, they were met with confused stares from their classmates. “At first people were looking...

Bird’s Word: AP approach and single-gender classrooms

Maria Carrasco, Print Managing Editor February 6, 2015
Students' reactions to AP classes and single-gendered classrooms
Ashley Frankian works as a paraprofessional and is also the school's athletic trainer.

Ashley Frankian doubles as athletic trainer and paraprofessional

Maame Britwum, Reporter February 5, 2015

When junior Mika Schrader entered the athletic training room after getting a concussion, she was met with a cheery Ashley Frankian ready to help diagnose her. “She was super nice and really helpful,”...

Teaching to the Test: Staffers debate AP approach

Elizabeth Patton and Kenneth Palmer, reporter and copy editor February 5, 2015

By the Book by Elizabeth Patton At the beginning of every school year, students enter Advanced Placement (AP) classes, prepared for nine months of hard work in anticipation of the AP tests in May. To...

Students, staff react to Super Bowl 49

Ryan Liston, Online Editor in Chief February 2, 2015

[View the story "Free State reacts to the Super Bowl" on Storify]

Sitting at his desk during his drafting I class, freshman William Orr watches Mr. Williams as he goes over parts of a drafting pencil. Students spent the first couple weeks of the semester with substitutes while the school looked for a permanent replacement for Don Clancy, the previous instructor. "I heard people talk [about Clancy's retirement], but I didn't find out until the beginning of the semester," Orr said.

Administration finds replacement for drafting teacher

Kellie Stofac, Reporter January 31, 2015

As weeks passed by at the beginning of quarter three, students fed up with watching pointless videos contemplated switching out of Drafting I. However, after three substitutes and much confusion, the administration...

Discussing amongst one another during a game of trivia, members of Scholars Bowl practice for upcoming tournaments. So far Free State has produced a successful season. "This is my eighteenth year coaching Scholars Bowl here at Free State and I've been the only coach that we've had here," Strawderman said.

Scholars Bowl Students Compete for Academic Expertise

Darby Gilliland, Reporter January 30, 2015

Every Monday from October until the end of February, students meet for an hour after school in Coach Oather Strawderman’s room to test their academic knowledge and trivia skills in preparation for their...

Free State, LHS Editors in Chief discuss joint newspaper issue

Kyra Haas and Zia Kelly January 30, 2015

On a sticky July afternoon at the Media Now Journalism camp in St. Louis, we sat across the lunch table from our publication advisers, ate mediocre pasta and talked about newspaper. Out of that conversation...

(From right) Senior AJ Zarnoweic and juniors Sydney Gard and Christina Craig play their saxophones. This year, Dr. Albert Miller took over as the new jazz band director.

New director brings passion to jazz band

Erin Friedrichsen, Reporter January 26, 2015

Trombone in hand, junior Steele Jacobs works to keep up with new Jazz Band Director Dr. Albert Miller. Playing every note with confidence as Miller preaches about swinging eighth notes, Jacobs can see...

Looking out into a sea of smartphone cameras, President Barack Obama addresses a crowd of about 7,150 at Anschutz Sports Pavilion on KU Campus on Jan. 22. Obama’s speech reiterated and expanded on several topics mentioned in his recent State of the Union: child care, community college and middle class economics. “I’m a Kansas guy,” Obama said.

#BarackChalk: President Obama speaks at Anschutz Sports Pavilion

Kyra Haas and Ryan Liston January 22, 2015
On Jan. 22, President Barack Obama spoke at KU in Anschutz Sports Pavilion, calling on Congress to address the need to provide childcare, free community college and equal pay for women...

Sports Score

January 20, 2015

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