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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2014-2015

Administrator Steve Heffernan listens to the discussion about the proposal for the new schedule along with other Free State and Lawrence High faculty. Originally just Free State faculty, the committee expanded to include Lawrence High and school board representatives. "This year, we were informed that there would be an option for district-wide committee and a lot of [Free State faculty] had already been through this, so we joined," committee member Ben Mellen said.

Committee proposes new schedule

March 8, 2015

On the first day of school next year, students may be informed there is a block schedule with late arrival every single week. Lips may begin to quirk into smiles—until teachers reveal the catch. With...

Editor recounts bittersweet acquaintance

Editor recounts bittersweet acquaintance

Kyra Haas, Editor in Chief March 8, 2015

The young woman lays down a couple crumpled dollar bills and two quarters for her snow cone. It’s the first time she’s actually paid for anything here. A smile crosses her face. “I get to see my...

Members of LINK stand with incoming freshmen during their orientation. In the past, this would be the only time freshmen would meet with LINK, but now the groups meets throughout the school year. The Free Press staff agrees this new format be adjusted so that LINK can focus on the freshmen that are not adapting to high school as quick as their peers.

LINK Crew should revise format

Staff Editorial March 8, 2015

It’s 10 a.m. on a Thursday, and three-quarters of the school is killing time on their phones, while the other quarter is pretending NOT to be killing time on their phones. Until this year, LINK Crew...

freshman Hirsch Guha

Bird’s Word: Do freshmen like LINK?

Juliana Hill, Reporter March 6, 2015

“I like having them, especially (since) the seniors and juniors that we have for LINK leaders are pretty fun, too.” - freshman Darik Dudley “I think they’re pretty lame because the activities...

When Kansas Governor Sam Brownback announced his plan to cut the state's education budget, criticisms arose from all across the country. 'The track record that they have had showed that the district weathered pretty good the last round of cuts. To have an education system wholesale turned upside down, I don’t think that would happen.” Principal Ed West said.

Governor Sam Brownback introduces plan to cut school funding

Kenneth Palmer, Copy Editor March 6, 2015

A MoveOn Petition to “Recall Sam Brownback” with upwards of 30,000 signatures from all over the country, a New York Times article questioning the state’s financial plan and plenty of other national...

50 Shades of Grey movie poster

Review: 50 Shades of Grey

Lauren Brittain, Reporter March 5, 2015

Beyonce’s remixed “Crazy in Love” plays in the background of the “50 Shades of Grey” trailer, infused with the same tension as a rubber band. I wish the actual “50 Shades of Grey” movie...

The American Civil Liberties Union's logo.

ACLU requests suspension of LEAP Ambassador Program in violation of Title IX

Hala Hamid, Reporter March 4, 2015

On Jan. 29, USD 497 Superintendent Dr. Rick Doll received a letter from the American Civil Liberties stating that the new LEAP Ambassador Program violates Title IX. Title IX states that the school may...

Students sit in the library and flip through college pamphlets. On Jan. 20, President Barack Obama addressed the nation with his State of the Union. In his address, Obama proposed a plan to make community college free for full-time students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Reporter discusses opinion of free community college proposal

Kellie Stofac, Reporter February 19, 2015

Two years of free college sounds perfect, until you realize that this plan is far too expensive for those that would most need to utilize it. With a GPA of 2.5 or higher and a full-time enrollment, students...

President Barack Obama addresses the audience. Obama spoke at the University of Kansas in Anschutz Sports Pavilion on Jan. 22.

President Obama speaks at Kansas University

Kyra Haas, Editor in Chief February 18, 2015

Senior Laura Corliss shook the left hand of the President of the United States—at least, she’s pretty sure she did. “I couldn’t see him,” Corliss said. “But I felt his wedding ring.” On...

Ariana Grande

February concert schedule

Juliana Hill, Reporter February 12, 2015

Ariana Grande with Rixton Feb. 25 Independence Event Center Independence, MO Tickets start at $45 7:30 p.m. Ariana Grande, a pop singer of Nickelodeon fame, will begin her Honeymoon Tour in Independence,...

Review: 'The Wind Rises'

Review: ‘The Wind Rises’

Juliana Hill, Reporter February 12, 2015

When I was a child, I obsessed over every film Studio Ghibli released. I still have fond memories of watching them after school on a rainy days and less fond ones of having nightmares that my own parents...

Carson Ziegler, Adam Ziegler and Jack Ziegler

Family influence leads to swimming trio

Catherine Prestoy, Online Managing Editor February 11, 2015

Senior Jack Ziegler positions himself on the starting block, waiting for the signal to send him plunging into the pool with only one thought in mind: break the record. One stroke after the other, Ziegler...

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