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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2014-2015

(From left) Senior Aj Zarnoweic and juniors Sydney Gard, Christina Craig and Zach Dixon play a saxophone quartet at the first Coffee House Jams. Student Council set up Coffee House Jams as a way for students to show off their creativity.

Free State Student Council hosts first Coffee House Jams

Libby Stanford, Reporter March 13, 2015

On February 25, sophomore Mariah Houston performed her poem at the very first Coffee House Jams. Houston was among 15 other students and staff who showcased their artistic talents at the event. The...

Revealing the scar left from the surgery to repair his aneurysm, junior Thor Lyche anticipates needing yearly brain scans for the rest of his life. "I still can't work out, but I'm getting off medication so I can focus on school," Lyche said.

Junior shares story of aneurysm, support

Maria Carrasco, Print Managing Editor March 11, 2015

It began with light headaches that became so severe junior Thor Lyche found it difficult to walk or stand. It finally became intolerable on Dec. 21, and Thor’s mother took him to get a CAT scan at Lawrence...

Zach Moore is an intern for the IT department at Free State. He fills work orders and helps Mr. Romero the main IT technician for Free State. "I tend to work for an Hour after school," Said Moore.

The IT Crowd: Students aid with school tech problems

Ryan Liston, Online Editor in Chief March 11, 2015

Under the supervision of building technician Ismael Romero, seniors Zach Moore, Kerry Thomas and Tom Brooks work to figure out why a Macbook Air won’t turn on. The culprit: a disconnected power cord. Earlier...

Senior AJ Zarnowiec

The road to Encore

Libby Stanford, Reporter March 10, 2015

For two months, 175 of Free State’s best performers spend day and night preparing for Encore, the school’s annual music variety show. Singers form groups as early as winter break, polishing their act...

Five e-readers available for check out

Five e-readers available for check out

Maame Britwum, Reporter March 10, 2015

When sophomore William Lenz checked out a Kindle from the school library, he was able to use it with ease. “It’s really simple, really easy to use,” Lenz said. “It makes reading easier.” Lenz...

While the number of homicides in Lawrence has increased dramatically over the past couple years, Sgt. Trent McKinley, with the Lawrence Police Department, reassures that these crimes are not random. "What we're seeing in these, is we're seeing that these are individuals that have some sort of relationship to one another, and that they got into a situation again," McKinley said.

City experiences increased homicide rate

Libby Stanford, Reporter March 9, 2015

Since July 2013, there have been 10 homicides in Lawrence. This is an uncharacteristically high amount of murders for the city, considering there are typically one or two homicides in a year. Isolating...

A member of KNEA holds up a sign during a protest at the capitol in Topeka. Sam Brownback's plan to cut school funding resulted in marches and protests.

Brownback’s order sparks discord, protest follows

Darby Gilliland, Reporter March 9, 2015

Sophomore Eli Jost arrived at the state Capitol on Feb. 14 with one goal in mind: change. Standing among a crowd of determined citizens who shared his goal, he and others carry signs, chanted and waved...

Sports Score

March 9, 2015

Sports Score

March 9, 2015

Sports Score

March 9, 2015

Sports Score

March 9, 2015

Sports Score

March 9, 2015

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