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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2014-2015

We Should Talk

Maria Carrasco, Kenneth Palmer and Kyra Haas, Print Managing Editor, Copy Editor and Editor in Chief October 27, 2014

On Sept. 18, obscene images and racial slurs were left on the Lawrence High School football field before the city football showdown against crosstown rival, Free State. The event marred relations...

Sport’s Score

October 25, 2014

Sport’s Score

October 25, 2014

October Concert Schedule

Maria Carrasco, Print Managing Editor October 24, 2014

Halloweenie Roast Night Two Sold Out - Stubhub $89 All Ages Wednesday, Oct. 29 Show Starts: 8 p.m. Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland 1228 Main St. Kansas City, Mo. 64105 alt-J’s music is a...

Personality test

Ryan Liston, Online Editor in Chief October 19, 2014

Extrovert or Introvert: 1. When you get free time, you tend to: A) Figure out what all your friends are doing B) Spend it alone 2. Your friend invites you to a party many people in school will...

Sport’s Score

October 19, 2014

Cross country postseason preview

Ryan Liston, Online Editor in Chief October 16, 2014

Listen as Head Coach Steve Heffernan speaks about the upcoming postseason for cross country. *At around 2:07, the audio in the recording cuts out. Coach Heffernan said "... not put an emphasis on ..."  

How "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood" ruined my life

How “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood” ruined my life

Maddie Birchfield, Reporter October 16, 2014

I had a fairly busy summer, working at my part-time job, nannying on the side and trying to make time for friends, but one thing took precedence: “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.” The game is simple...

"If I Stay" Book Review

“If I Stay” Book Review

juliana hill, reporter October 16, 2014

In Gayle Forman’s young adult fiction novel “If I Stay,” a gifted teenage cellist, Mia Hall, and her family are caught in a horrific car accident on the wintry streets of Portland, Ore. The accident...

Sport’s Score

October 15, 2014

Underclassmen, construction lead to limited senior parking

Hala Hamid, Reporter October 15, 2014

When arriving to school early, senior Dominic Katsbulas finds a parking spot in senior parking without a problem. However, when running late and arriving at 7:55 a.m. or later, the only available spots...

How to Jump a Car: a Guide.

Evan Frook, Reporter October 15, 2014

Materials: Jumper cables, a dead car, a live car, a copy of these instructions, frustration Step one: Locate your jumper cables. They should be in your trunk. If they aren’t, substitute with bare...

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