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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2013-2014

Sophomore Raegan Koenig feels that she fits in with Lawrence's culture.

Raegan Koenig

ryan liston, co-online editor in chief January 31, 2014

Although it’s not sophomore Raegan Koenig’s first time visiting Lawrence, it is her first time attending school here. During winter break, Raegan moved from Seneca, Kan., where she attended Nemaha...

Ten ways to complete New Years resolutions

sarah whipple, design editor January 31, 2014

We’ve all seen the magazines, the motivational posters on Pinterest and the emails from various gyms, claiming that with the new year can come a new person. It seems that everyone these days wants to...

Rumor has it that Free State was originally designed to be a jail. This is untrue. The building above is a jail designed by the architect who also designed Free State.

Story behind the state

fiona mcallister, reporter January 31, 2014

Twenty years ago on Nov. 4, 1994, the citizens of Lawrence voted on whether or not the city needed a second high school. The majority of the city voted yes. In 1994, Lawrence High School was the only...

Butterfly Garden in the Botanica Gardens in Wichita, Kan. Photo courtesy of Botanica Gardens website


hala hamid, gavin spence, reporter January 31, 2014

While most of the nation sees Kansas as 82,277 flat square miles of “fly over state”, this stretch of land is more than just the setting for “The Wizard of Oz.” Not much more, but it works in a...

Junior Anthony Hummel, on right, squares off against an opponent during a Midwest High School Hockey League game in 2013. Hummel is one of the four student hockey players the Free Press found.

4 in 1500

kyra haas, online co-editor-in-chief January 30, 2014

Out of the approximately 1,558 Free State students, the Free Press found only four who play hockey. According to The United States of Hockey website, Kansas had only 314 players registered with USA...

Q & A with School Resource Officer about MIPs

Q & A with School Resource Officer about MIPs

becca moran, reporer January 13, 2014

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol continues to be the most-consumed drug among teeangers, surpassing marijuana and even tobacco. In any given Monday, one can hear a chorus...

First FSHS Talent Show

sam goodwin, reporter January 13, 2014

On Dec. 5, Freshman Rowan Plinsky got up in front of more than 200 people and read poetry. Can We Talk recently coordinated the first Free State talent show. It was hosted by Kelly Barah and featured...

Dress code leaves too much uncovered

morgan noll, reporter January 9, 2014

Keep it classy, Free State. When it comes to clothing in schools, some find certain clothing inappropriate and disruptive that others may see simply as a display of the first amendment. Freedom of expression...

Seniors TJ Everett (left) and Jake Rogers stand as they think about their future service careers.

You just got served: students plan to go into service after graduation

thomas riggs, reporter December 18, 2013

Free State senior Jake Rogers will be flying tankers after he graduates. While some students choose to attend college or join the workforce after graduation, Rogers, senior TJ Everett and senior Taylor...

photo by: kristina foster

Holiday Gifts Hometown Hub

hannah reussner, reporter December 16, 2013

Significant other: Maybe you’re stuck on what to give your significant other. Or maybe you’re broke. “52 reasons why I like you” is a great, intimate gift that your significant other will surely...

Embarrassing Stories

Embarrassing Stories

newspaper staff December 16, 2013

We’ve all had our share of embarrassing moments. Whether they were minor mishaps or major blunders, no one can deny that they have accidentally and, potentially hilariously, committed a social faux pas....

Common Courtesy

kyra haas, online co-editor-in-chief December 13, 2013

I don’t have my restricted driver’s license, and I am a junior in high school. Because I don’t have my own transportation, I spend a considerable amount of my time after school in the Commons, waiting...

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