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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2011-2012

Homecoming 2011 Slideshow

September 29, 2011

Kansas City's The Beast (above)

Lawrence Guide– Halloween Edition

Sam Boatright, Reporter September 29, 2011

Haunted Houses in KC Guaranteeing a spookifying, frightening, and terrifying time, Kansas City’s The Beast and The Edge of Hell hold a spot in the Top Ten Haunted Houses in the U.S. and for good reason....

Free State National Merit Scholars

September 19, 2011

Congratulations to Dawson Conway, Alan Shi, Emily Melton, Sisira Srisutiva, and Meixi Wang for becoming National Merit semi-finalists! They are among 157 students in Kansas to compete for National Merit...

Living the College Life

Natalie Hiebert and Kim Messineo, Reporters September 19, 2011

College applications, test scores and transcripts are some of the main concerns on seniors’ minds while enjoying their last year in high school. But there are other important necessities that have...

The young ones #3- a sophomore’s survival guide to being on the bottom

sarah whipple, reporter September 18, 2011

School is in full swing as teachers begin to assign projects and hand out tests. The weather acclimates into a cool breeze. And the football team settles their plays and starts to have more chemistry as...

Homecoming Timeline!

September 16, 2011

Click on the bubbles to see more information! A new picture will be added for each Homecoming day! Homecoming Week on Dipity.

Annie Clark

Lawrence Guide 9/22

Sam Boatright, Reporter September 12, 2011

St Vincent- 10/7/11 @ Liberty Hall 8 p.m.             Annie Clark—the alluring genius behind the moniker St. Vincent—stops by Liberty Hall on Friday, Oct. 7 to bring down the roof at one of...

Miranda Davis, editor-in-chief

September 12, 2011

Miranda Davis is our editor-in-chief with a focus on the printed newspaper.

Ryan Loecker, editor-in-chief

September 12, 2011

Ryan is our editor-in-chief with an online focus.

The Healthy Option

amani safadi, managing editor September 7, 2011

 Healthier options fill up the birds nest. Last year, Lawrence schools weren’t allowed to sell students carbonated beverages or those with high sugar content, but this year the district is tightening...

Managing Stress 101

hannah moran, reporter September 7, 2011

Junior Grace Oliver knows stress. “My head starts to swim, my heart beats faster and I break into a cold sweat,” she said. Between a frenzy of AP classes, after school jobs,...

Miranda’s Column

miranda davis, editor in chief September 7, 2011

Dear Freshmen, I’m one of those seniors. The kind who will probably not like you. The type who will be irate if you go to prom. And may God help the freshmen that sits in front of me at a football game....

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