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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2011-2012

Unreal senior?

February 9, 2012

When seniors think about graduation, they think about walking across the stage and seeing all of their family waving and cheering for them. One senior this year, however, will not be. Camila Barbosa,...

Sentimental Senior

January 26, 2012

I spent New Year’s Eve as I have for the many times, hanging out with friends. Once we counted down to the ball dropping and rang in the new year, someone said, “Guys, we graduate in five months.”...

Lawrence Guide 2/12

Lawrence Guide 2/12

sam boatright, reporter January 26, 2012

Dr. Dog Feb. 2 @ The Granada Whimsical folk-poppers Dr. Dog are a sight to be seen. Lucky for all of us, Pennsylvania’s best animal-named band is stopping by the Granada to charm concert-goers with...

Fashion Forward: Women’s Fashion

Kyle Freese, Reporter January 26, 2012

I can’t say that I really paid a lot of attention to what women wore until writing this piece. However, walking through the hallways lately, I’ve noticed that girls pay much more attention to how others...

Getting There and Back Again

allison harwood January 26, 2012

There is one thing, and one thing only, to look forward to during third quarter: spring break. For those who are lucky enough to get to travel at the end of March, here are a few tools to use when planning...

Don’t Let the Winter Blues Get to You!

sarah whipple, reporter January 24, 2012

As the days get shorter and snow begins to fall from the sky, some students will embrace the season by going outside. Many may hate the winter, but will wear ten layers of sweaters to school even if...

Tunes and Trends- Sam

sam boatright, reporter January 20, 2012

2011: Top 10 Albums: 1. Father, Son, Holy Ghost- Girls '60s rock'n'roll, San Franciscan style; earnest, melodic and beautiful. Girls brings the sun and the shade on their amazing second full-length...

Looking Back: Fashion 2011

sarah rohrschneider, reporter January 20, 2012

From rompers to Sperrys to feathers on earrings and fringe boots, 2011 was a year of change and experimentation in fashion. Students have mixed opinions as far as to what they specifically liked and...

Splashing Success

Splashing Success

hannah moran, reporter January 20, 2012

“When I’m on the blocks, I say, ‘It’s go time,’” sophomore Canaan Campbell said. “I just tell myself ‘I can do it!’ I’ve put in the effort. When the gun goes off, I react. I don’t...

Danger on the Wings

katie guyot, reporter, copy editor January 20, 2012

A flight attendant begins her march to the front of the airplane, and frequent fliers feverishly plug away at their iPads and smartphones to send one more Angry Bird flying into the clouds before she...

First Words of Fashion

kimberly messineo, reporter January 20, 2012

The new year has made its entrance, and the fashion reports are in.  Neon colors and animal prints have been booted away, replaced by hats, neutral colors and flower prints. According to the January...

Cafeteria Food

catherine prestoy, reporter January 20, 2012

     During lunch, all around me, kids are walking around with cafeteria trays loaded with pizza, tater tots, sherbet, etc. and I can’t help thinking to myself, is this healthy? From what I’ve...

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