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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2010-2011

Snow Day Swap

katie guyot February 21, 2011

The school district is currently working to find a suitable way to make up Douglas County’s five snow days. The Kansas State Department of Education requires school to be in session for 1,116 hours...

Bailey’s Backyard Barbecue: Forget about…Social Senioritis

February 14, 2011

     Sophomores and juniors and seniors, oh my! What do they all have in common? Senioritis. Admit it teachers: even you have it. Sure, maybe seniors have it the worst but everyone is ready to stay...

Bailey’s Backyard Barbecue: Focus on the…Bears in the Backyard

February 14, 2011

Last year, my grandma found out that her best friend’s son committed suicide. I decided to travel with my aunt, mom and grandma to Colorado Springs to attend the funeral even though I never met the man;...

Bailey’s Backyard Barbecue: Pull Apart

February 14, 2011

     I love love. Really, I do. There are so many different types. Toddler love, bromance love, fresh out of the oven love...the list could go on forever. But there is one kind of love that should...

Knowing Your Head

miranda davis February 14, 2011

School, homework, relationships, sports, after school jobs and extracurriculars are all things that cause stress during the teenage years. Mental illness can also become visible during these years and...

Bailey’s Backyard Barbecue: The Era of Good Feelings

February 14, 2011

     We all pass judgment. I  know I would be a liar if I said I didn’t; I’m sure most people are the same way. Luckily, we are growing up in a society where issues such as race and gender, although...

Bailey’s Backyard Barbecue: Fight the Power

February 14, 2011

     Let’s face it: adults hate teenagers. Their general discontent for everything “teen” is obvious. We’re too loud, too inconsiderate, too their eyes, we are the assassins of...

Exploring the Unconcsious

kim c and zach h February 14, 2011

The Dream: I’m walking into the school following Cale Neider. He is insistent upon showing me something and I continue to follow. We go to the elevator on the first floor and enter it. Instead of...

1 in 1000: Haylo Pierciey

February 14, 2011
“Here I am.”

Valentine’s Day Special

February 9, 2011

 Do’s for guys: DO have flowers delivered to your girlfriend’s house DO ask her friends for advice about gift ideas DO take your girlfriend out to a nice place. No, McDonald’s is not nice. Don’ts...

Have Heart

Have Heart

katie guyot February 9, 2011

Teacher and volleyball coach Nancy Hopkins is building Free State a cardio fitness center that is quickly packing on the pounds in exercise equipment. “When the school was built, we had a weight room...

LAWRENCE GUIDE (2 / 9 / 11)

ryan loecker February 9, 2011

Tennis / Holiday Shores - 2 / 17 / 11 @ Jackpot  (indie / alternative) Come sail away with Tennis and Holiday Shores! Although their name doesn’t reflect it, Tennis’s music is inspired by their eight...

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