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The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

The student-run news site of Lawrence Free State High School

Free Press Online

Archives 2009-2010

1 in 1,000: Erica Lignell, equestrian

miranda davis December 1, 2009

Erica Lignell is a sophomore who has been riding horses since she was ten years old.  She took her experience with horses and used it as a way to give back. Spending time with people who have disabilities...

School Musical

allison harwood November 4, 2009

Sing. Dance. Act. Repeat.   When someone takes part in a musical, they have to go above and beyond the call of a regular actor. Actors in musicals must sing, dance and act, and do it well.    "I'm...

Inside the New Athletic Buildings

katherine c November 4, 2009

A glass door opens into a freshly painted hallway lined with photos of some of Free State's greatest athletes. Had I not known that I was in a high school, I might have assumed I was walking through the...

“I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” Book Review

kim carter November 4, 2009

If you've ever heard of Tucker Max I'm sure you either a) find him completely disgusting or b) find him ridiculously hilarious. If you haven't heard of Tucker Max, author of I Hope They Serve Beer in...

From Storage to Spinning

ryan loecker, reporter October 28, 2009

Physical Education teacher Nancy Hopkins hopes to encourage students to get fit and increase enrollment in P.E. classes with the creation of a new individual fitness class this year.  Hopkins has been...

The Night You Got Owned

Kim C October 14, 2009

We've all done it before. Whether it was lying about where you were, sneaking out, or throwing a party while your parents were out of town.   We've all made some major screw ups. The morning after is...

Dying for Dollars

allison harwood, reporter October 13, 2009

Like most high school sophomores, Hannah Markley hasn't been to business school. Yet her passion for volunteering inspired her to become a young entrepreneur.   To raise money for three mission trips...

Pow Wow Wow Wow

katherine corliss October 13, 2009
It's a gathering of the different cultures

Helping out the community

emma machell October 13, 2009

Volunteering at LMH Volunteering is an activity available to people of all ages that not many people know about. It is easy to get involved and the experience will last a life time. Helping around the...

Service Learning Experience

Kim Carter September 30, 2009

With classes getting harder and harder as high school goes on, piles of homework every night and tests every week, it's easy to get caught up in one's individual life. The entire point of school is to...

Blackbox Theatre

emma machell September 30, 2009
Theatre has no gender.
Rising Above: a Free State Tradition

Rising Above: a Free State Tradition

katherine corliss September 24, 2009

7:50  I arrive at LHS and get the last visitor parking space. Parking seems to be a problem here. Unlike Free State there are not assigned parking spaces. 7:55  I meet my escort for the day, junior...

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